found this old pics in a shoebox under my bed. not sure how long they've been there...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Macks Cave cntd.
As the water dripped from the roof of the cave, stalagmites of ice formed
It was a little wet and muddy.....
The cave was unoccupied except for a delirious wild man we had to shoo out of the way. He was harmless though.
We made it out alive and was able to set up a little timer portrait.
Of course after I told her I took a picture of her dairy-aire, she was none too happy.
Mom did get completely to the end of the cave, and even made sure to touch the absolute end.
A nice self-portrait deep inside the bowels of the underground......
This is the end of the cave, about 70 yards inside. It is not light inside, jsut a good camera flash.
This is about half way inInside the cave. It is a little muddy...
Posted by David at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Macks Creek Cave
Just beyond Spring Shores, on the way to Arrowrock Dam, is Macks Creek campground/boat dock. I took the scouts there camping in January. As we were packing camp on Saturday morning, a couple of guys from the Army Corps of Engineers, [who oversee the campground] stopped by to make sure the campground was in good order. They as us if we had found the cave, then told us where it was.
I did not have the camera on the scout campout, but mom and I went there the other night and did a little exploring.
The cave is a lava tube that is normally under 80-90 feet of water. When the water is low like it is now, the cave appears. Pretty cool. The first picture is the opening of the cave.
Posted by David at 12:38 PM 0 comments